Saturday, April 05, 2008

Trouble with Physics

Lee Smolin, has open my eyes to a problem that was bothering me for years. Why physics is becoming so far away from reality? Why are we (again) becoming Platonists looking for an ideal universe, mathematically perfect and absolutely impossible to measure or probe? How can scientists state things such as dark matter, or dark energy that are purely imagination and maths as "real things if they have no proof whatsoever? How they dare state that the Universe has a beginning in time if there is no proof about it? How science became so corrupt to avoid to mention those things are pure theories, unproven theories? And finally, why science allowed models to be taken as reality (in climate change or global warming issues) if not for pure degradation and greed? This guy is really brilliant! I strongly recommend his books! Trouble with Physics

1 comment:

Carla Goulart said...

Surprise !

Congratulations for your blog !

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Carla Goulart