Friday, August 26, 2005

Jorge at Sea World Posted by Picasa

Me at JK on 2002 Posted by Picasa

A Brief Story about Everything

Hi there!

I started thinking about a reliable server where I could put all sorts of things that occur to me.
Things such as, thoughts, experiences, trips, nice views, books I read and recomend, recipies, movies, in sum, everything that is part of my life and I want to share with my friends.
I don't intend to be right or wrong, to guide or be guided but just express myself as a normal average human being.
For sure, I will not be able to avoid biased oppinions here as all my oppinion are biased by a guy called Jorge.
However, I don't take him too seiously, so I suggest you to take the trip lightly as a butterfly in a beautiful spring morning.
Take you time and, hopefully, enjoy the ride!

Jorge Brown